Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tabloids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tabloids - Essay Example As compared to broadsheet journalism, which is normally held together by a strong since of ethics and public responsibility, tabloids rely on pure entertainment and outrageous colors, features, and stories to try to lure in the imaginative reader. Often stories are crafted out of no factual basis, and are there instead to try to be as outrageous as possible for the sake of getting people's attention. They use a much looser idea of values and morals to try to make their point compared to broadsheet journalism. In a stunning twist of events, Clinton and Obama have been seeing coming out of a hotel late into the night. Could this mean a new political partnership between the two, or possibly an even darker secret love life between the two Could this all be an alien plot Late last night Democratic nominees Clinton and Obama were both seen on their way home from a late night meeting. The meeting, uncongenially, seemed to have taken place in an hotel room that was actually rented in McCain's name. The fact that McCain seems to pay for them to spend the night together is strange of itself, but seeing the two candidates embrace in a hug and passionate kiss as they left sparked the real controversy. This turn in events now leads people to wonder if in fact Clinton and Obama are really working together, and in more places than just the political bedroom. McCain helping them pay for the room also adds suspicion to what all of them are really up to. Is McCain paying them off to keep the fighting going longer so he can continue to campaign without a direct candidate Are Clinton and Obama really in love and want to run together As the saying goes, politicians do make strange bedfellows. Works Cited: Society of Professional Journalists Tabloid

Monday, October 28, 2019

Presidents and Governors Powers

Presidents and Governors Powers The presidency and governance have more in common when it comes to its history that what you can see in a first glance, few are the people that actually compare the two and draw parallels between the two without looking for it or discuss it beforehand. When we look at its history both come from a place where what they were looking for was independence and how the government works nowadays is a direct result of that, when the United States obtained independence the founders focus their efforts into creating a Constitution that would not follow the lead of other countries, but it would create a new system that work for them, the first constitutions were much less organized, it granted less responsibilities and power than the ones that came after it. The Texas constitution, in the other hand, was in control of Spain at first and then of Mexico, until it independence was achieved, their constitution reflected the several paths they had to take in order to become independent not only by name, but what it has in common with the US constitutions is the desire behind it to create an actual independent system that worked for them and do not adapt it from other country, having as a result the creation of an executive that the world has never seen (George et al, 398). Over the years the necessity of have a more efficient constitution would lead to the continuous amendment of it. In order to serve you should have certain qualifications to be eligible to the presidency or governance, both have very clear requirements that must fulfil, one of the most important is to be an US citizen by birth, if what you are looking for is to be the governor of Texas then you must be a legal citizen, but it does not matter if you become a citizen instead ofÂÂ   being born here and the time that you have been a citizen does not influence, in Texas a naturalized citizen can become the governor regardless of the time the person has been a citizen, but if you want to run for the United States presidency then you must be a citizen by birth, although there has been debates of what that constitutes since many have argue the if the child meet the legal requirements for US citizenship at the moment of birth then is regarded as a US citizenship by birth, one of the case could be that the parents are US citizens so their child is entitle to the citizenship. Since someone could be a citizen, but have not been most of their lives in the US a state citizenship is require, if you want to run for the governance of Texas, then you must have live at least five years in the state of Texas, but you would have a better chance if you have live there more than ten years. When it comes to the presidency, like it was previous mentioned, someone may be an US citizen by birth, but had never live here, so the candidate should have been living here for at least fourteen years. The last qualification that you are require to fulfill is to be age appropriate, for the governance in the state of Texas you should be at least thirty years old, while for the presidency you should be thirty-five to qualify, this is in order to have an experienced and mature person in the job. As we can see the presidency is slightly stricter regardless of qualification than the Texas governance, but Texas is one of the states that comes closer to it since in comparison to other states, since Texas has more clear and specific requirements to meet than others. When it comes to compare, the power granted to the presidency and governance there are very similar, both have little executive power is even consider weak. In both cases this lack of power is done in purpose, since the abuse perpetuated by past executives the checks and balances was established in the Texas governance and the presidency. In the presidency, the way power is used has been evolving thanks to the presidents themselves, they have been expanding responsibilities and resources which has led them to have more power than the constitution allows. According to the constitution one of the functions of the president and the governor is to enforce the law, in order to so the constitution allow the president to be able to appoint cabinet jobs and agency chiefs, but the governor has to work alongside those who the electoral also choose, leaving the governor working with people who may not be supporters of his policies or values, while the president is free of choosing his cabinet thus allowing him a better work environment and in a better position than the Texas governor when it comes to establishing policies, the president is the definite authority when it comes to the final decision of a cabinet discussion, which puts his cabinet as one of advisers instead of executives, the Texas governor does not have that luxury in order to pass any legislation he must convince or pass a bill that fits the beliefs of the senate. The reason why the Texas governance is weakened compare to the presidency is historical and it begun with the Texas Constitution of 1876 due to the reconstruction after the Civil War, after it the constitution was amendment a numerous time which ended up making it the second longest in the country, uses very specific languages in polices that were previously abused, while as seem as whole the constitution becomes hard to understand with the vocabulary used at the time and the refusal of the framers to create the constitution in a slower pace and in good quality presentation. Nowadays it is impossible for the governor to claim he or she does not know what his or her constituents want, with social media citizens make their voices be heard, so in order to improve the role of the governor hearing the people is always the beginning. The reelection option was made in order to motive the public serves to do better in order to be reelected, this may be a negative thing since instead of doing was its best for the state, they take decisions according how much it will help their chances to be reelected, this is also true when it comes to the senate and the house since the electoral chooses their serves, passing or creating bills can become a game in which if the person with the contrary belief win, it would be a lost to the others, when they should be worrying about what is best in general and not what seems to look better for one or the other party. In conclusion, while the two of these jobs evolve into lack of power, the presidency has more power than the Texas government, because while it does have a history with independence the repercussion were major in Texas, while in the presidency is more balanced, the president is allow to choose the head of the departments having an advantage since they would likely agree with him and otherwise his work has more weight than the others, the governor has to work extremely well with others, who also have different opinions, stances and beliefs. Works Cited Henson, J. R. (2016). Texas politics. 3rd ed. Asheville, NC: Soomo Learning. Available from hNp:// Edwards III, And George, C. Chapter 13. The Presidency. American Government. Pearson Education

Friday, October 25, 2019

Sexual Orientation and Body Image Dysmorphia :: Sexuality Homosexuality Essays

Sexual Orientation and Body Image Dysmorphia Recent research has concluded that sexual orientation, in both men and women, may play a significant role in the feelings of dissatisfaction of one’s physical appearance and the development and onset of disordered eating habits. Numerous studies have found that homosexual men have a higher likelihood of being more dissatisfied with their overall physical appearance. It is not so clear for homosexual women. In this paper I will review a number of published research article and try to more clearly explain the contrasting results about homosexual women. ADOLESCENT SEXUAL ORIENTATION Although most of the studies look at an adult population, a study by French, Story, Remafedi, and Resnik, examined the effects of sexual orientation on an adolescent population. In their study they looked at a population based sample of about 35,000 students between the grades of seven and twelve. Each of these students completed a survey that asked questions about sexual orientation, body satisfaction, and different weight control measures. The final report included the findings from 212 heterosexual males and 182 heterosexual females for comparison with 81 self- identifying homosexual males and 38 self- identifying homosexual females, and 131 bisexual males and 144 bisexual females. They discovered that homosexual males were much more likely than heterosexual males to report having a poor body image (27.8% to 12%) and admit to frequent dieting (8.9% to 5.5%), binge eating (25.0% to 10.6%), or purging (11.7% to 4.4%). On the other side, homosexual females were more likely than heterosexual females to report that they were happy with the way that they looked (42.1% to 20.5%). Interestingly though, homosexual and heterosexual females were about equally as likely to diet, participate in binge eating, and partake in purging. PROBLEMS WITH STUDY Although the study seems to be appropriate, one must be wary about looking at a study, which was conducted through the use of surveys. This is particularly true when you are asking adolescents questions that deal with sexuality. It is possible that an adolescent’s embarrassment could be a factor in the answering of the questions. Social stereotypes could easily influence a heterosexual male to answer positively to questions about his body image because body angst is usually associated as a female behavior. This study is important to research on this topic because it shows that from the beginning of sexual orientation decisions, eating habits are a priority to some. Finicky and disordered eating problems are not something that develops later in life.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The use of relaxation techniques to increase self-confidence and reduce performance anxiety in squash players

AbstractThe effect of transcendental meditation on self-confidence is reported; one-way ANOVA revealed that self-confidence increases over time but only after 2 weeks of the start of the intervention. Qualitative data on the mechanisms of this effect reveal that it could be due to increased time for reflective practice and enhancing executive control. This is consistent with control theory (Jones, 1995) on the nature of performance anxiety in sport.IntroductionIn the domain of Sport Psychology, there is a substantial amount of theory and practice surrounding performance anxiety in practically all sporting contexts. Here two individuals will be presented with an identified deficit in one particular mental faculty which research suggests is pertinent to performance in sport. These two individuals play squash in competitive tournaments at University. Performance anxiety can vary in intensity and direction, and is a feeling of apprehension open to psychological interpretation and marked by biological indicators such as increased heart rate and galvanic skin responsiveness (Jones and Swain, 1993). Relaxation techniques refer here to any intervention aimed at either reducing or reinterpreting the anxiety than an individual is feeling (Hanton and Jones, 1999). Jones (1995) advocated the multidimensional anxiety conceptualisation and subsequently developed a model of control to separate the nature and genesis of beneficial and detrimental anxiety in the literature. The multidimensional nature of anxiety in this model refers to the different qualitative ways in which performance anxiety can vary such as the presence and nature of cognitive intrusions and the temporal patterning of the anxiety response. The cognitive ability of an individual to appraise their anxiety and maintain executive control over their perceptions will ultimately define whether this anxiety helps or hinders them during performance. There is empirical support for the notion that facilitative interpretation of anxiety and greater executive control can elevate performance (Jones, 1995; Jones, Hanton and Swain, 1994; Jones and Swain, 1993) but this theory is developed from an overview of past research, and does not substantially acknowledge the potential weaknesses of this research. Moreover it fails to enter into a thorough debate over the mechanisms which could be responsible for the differing interpretations of anxiety between people. Without this, interpretation is left to completely determine the effect of anxiety and therefore the effect becomes inherently unpredictable. Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump and Smith (1990) conceptualised cognitive and somatic anxiety as separate phenomena. They theorise that cognitive anxiety will be inversely related to performance and somatic anxiety will have an inverted U-shaped relationship with performance. Importantly these authors also found a positive linear relationship between self-confidence and performance. This suggests that some somatic anxiety is needed for optimal performance, and perhaps self-confidence is also needed to curb cognitive anxiety and maintain composure in the presence of somatic anxiety. It should be noted though that Martens et al. (1990) used an obsolete measure of anxiety (Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2) which does not incorporate measures of the athlete’s interpretation of their anxiety, focusing solely on intensity. This is a huge flaw since it is now widely acknowledged that psychologically talented and self-confident athletes can direct their anxiety towards facilitative ends (O’Brien, Hanton and Mellalieu, 2005). Jones, Hanton and Swain (1994) suggest that it is the interpretation of anxiety which is of upmost importance. But the causes of differences in interpretation are not explored in this research. There is some evidence to suggest that self-confidence; the belief in one’s own ability to successfully complete the task at hand has a substantial influence over an individual’s ability to control or direct their anxiety (Carver and Scheier, 1988; Jones et al., 1994; Hanton, Mellalieu and Hall, 2004). This study will therefore focus on the effectiveness of an often used intervention; relaxation strategies in improving self-confidence.HypothesisThere will be significant improvement in participants’ self-confidence after relaxation therapy. This increased self-confidence will significantly improve performance.Literature reviewWith the proposed theoretical frameworks outlined above in mind, there are many potential interventions which could be suggested to act on the propose d source of negative performance. This review will focus on research into the effects of relaxation therapies on the state of mind of athletes in competitive environments. These include stress inoculation training, mental imagery, massage, EMG biofeedback, progressive relaxation and various forms of meditation. Stress inoculation training involves guided relaxation, mental imagery and making self-statements, it has been shown to be effective in improving gymnastic performance (Mace and Carroll, 1986). Mental imagery (Jones and Stuth, 1997) and massage (Jooste and Khumalo, 2012) have also shown to produce positive results. The above research measures success mainly in terms of stress and objective distress reduction, it did not however aim to help athletes to reinterpret their stress. Also individual differences pose a serious risk in terms of confounding variables in such research. A very important study here is Eppley, Abrams and Shear (1989) who examined the effects of various forms of relaxation therapy against each other. The effect sizes of the reduction in trait anxiety were reported, making this piece of research particularly prominent since not every study will report this statistic. The authors found that most therapies had similar effect sizes, but transcendental meditation had a significantly larger effect size. At the least this has implications to inform the type of interventions which are most effective at reducing anxiety, and the authors even made efforts to control for confounding variables to strengthen their conclusions. However the justification for this research is in question (at least in a sporting context) because of other research to show that anxiety can be beneficial depending on how it is interpreted (Jones et al., 1994). This means that anxiety should not necessarily be seen solely as something to be eliminated; perhaps a better res earch question would examine the qualities which cause people to differ in their interpretation of their anxiety, and suggested coping strategies should focus more on appraisal than reduction of anxiety. Transcendental meditation therapy was therefore settled upon for use in this study because unlike other therapies of this kind it offers ample opportunity for reflection and direction of anxiety which is so often cited as important (Hanton, Cropley and Lee, 2009). The control model and the theory or Martens et al. (1990) provide the theoretical rationale for this investigation.MethodParticipantsThe participants in this study were two individuals; one male, one female recruited from the University squash club who frequently competed in highly competitive tournaments. These two individuals were specifically identified using a short questionnaire administered just before the start of the tournament to identify weaknesses in self-confidence regarding squash performance. Participants were both aged 18-20 and considered themselves to be playing at a non-professional club level in highly competitive tournaments. Participants were verbally advised on the nature of the experiment and their fr eedom to withdraw at any time.InstrumentationThe dependent variable to measure is self-confidence. Competitive state anxiety was measured with the Revised Competitive State Anxiety-2 (Cox, Martens and Russell, 2003) but only the self-confidence sub-scale was used. The questionnaire is available in the appendix.Design and ProcedureParticipants were tested pre-intervention, at one week intervals during the intervention to monitor changes, and finally at post-intervention. Participants were not tested around the time of a tournament to avoid confounding effects of anxiety. After the intervention, semi-structured interviews were administered to both participants. A full transcript of these interviews is available in the appendix. The intervention consisted of three weeks of guided meditation, in which participants were encouraged to think deeply about meaningful things in their lives and to let their thoughts wander. They were encouraged also to think of themselves in relation to the wo rld. This style of transcendental meditation involves little guidance and a quiet, supportive environment in which self-expression is encouraged. Sessions lasted one hour and took place 4 times a week.ResultsA one-way repeated measures ANOVA was performed for both participants. Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics for the variables at each measurement period. As can be seen mean self-confidence ratings gradually increase with time during and after the intervention. The standard deviation also appears to increase however, showing more variability in ratings of self-confidence as therapy progresses. Table 1 Descriptive statistics for self-confidence ratings IntervalMeanStandard Deviation Pre-test183.2 Week 1154.1 Week 2245.7 Post-test284.6 Table 2 displays the post hoc tests for the comparisons between the measurements at the four time intervals. The overall ANOVA showed a significant effect of the treatment (F(3, 3)=9.356, p

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Of Mice and Men Characters Essay

At the beginning both George & Lennie met at the rench near the river,close to the hill sides. The relationship between George & Lennie is that they are close friends.Acctualy George had promised Lennie’s Aunt Clara that he will take care of Lennie, as she laid on the bed of death. â€Å"Some body’d shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself. No you stay with me, your Aunt Clara wouldn’t like it if you were Running off by your self, even if she’s dead.† Although Lennei is mch stronger,taller & muscular than Goerge, he still seems to depend on George. He forgets everything, he can’t cook, he’s got immature adult hood behaviour, he can’t deal with day-to-day life. Where as George happens to be the leader. He cooks for him, takes care of him, & there relationship between them seems to be like father & son. H e does at times get angry & frustrated with him due to his behaviour or the attitude toward him having to forget everything. George & Lennie both carry a dream along themselves, which the want to fulfil, of having a place of there own, â€Å"With us it ain’t like that new got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. We don’t have to sit in no bar-room, blowin’in our jack jack jus because we got no place else to go. If them other guys get in jail then can rot for all anyone gives a damn. But not us.† However Lennie always seem to have a frustrated attitude, â€Å"But not us ! An’ why because †¦because I got you to look after me, & you got me to look after you, & that’s why.† â€Å"Some day where gonna get the jack together & where gonna have a little house & a couple of cows & some pigs.† In this case Lennie had kept control of the money, as he told every thing to Lennie to do, & that this money would help them in buying a place of there own. As the third person helps them so that he could also move out without the others knowing about it. As they had prepared there dream to come true, but as always Lennie had spoilt everything due to his immature attitude. At this stage of agreement with old man, Curley’s wife walks in asking for trouble as usual, well that’s what George thought. After there conversation over there secrete, Lennie fell a sleep on the bunk dreaming, mean while Curley walks in asking George & the bold man if they had seen his wife. During this they end up in a slight argument. As Curley gets furious at the telling of the people, telling him to keep his damn wife a home. On the other hand as Lennie is dreaming, he was smiling & delighted at the memory of ranch. At this stage Curley glaed at him, as he slipped his eyes off the past & lighted on Lennie, as he had become the centre of attraction. At this stage he stepeed towards lennie, as he was half asleep, & replied unknowingly & confusingly â€Å"Huh†?Due to him being so deniable Curley exploded with range. † Come on you big bastard-get up on your feet. No big son-of-a-bitch, is gonna laugh at me. I’ll show ya who’s yella?† Curley’s anger made Lennie look helplessly at George, & at this stage Lennie gets up & tries to retreat Curley, but Curley was balanced & poised . Right now he slashed a thump at Lennie withhis left, & then hit him under his nose. During the pain Lennie felt he cried for George’s help. But unfotanly the beating was at limited for Lennie & was in anger,despite having George stood on his feet yelling above all, to Lennie, telling him to get him (revenge). â€Å"Get him Lennie† Although Lennie was much stronger & muscular than Curley, â€Å"Don’t let him do it† Pain was getting to Lennie & the others in the room. At this stage Lennie covered his face with his huge pones (hand) & felt the beat ness of terror within himself, as then beating, as he again cried for George’s help & the others to make him stop. Then again Curley had attacked him in the stomach & blow of his wind. The scene now was painful & thew feeling of careless struk every one, especially Slim as he stud to his feet to betray Curley. â€Å"The dirty little rat; he cried, I’ll get’ un my self† But George atn this stage grabbed Slim by holding out his hand,asking him to wait, as knew Lennie would get Curley back. He new it was at limited for Lennie & the support of them in the room defiantly want revenge from Curley. † Wait a minute† (George said to him) † Get him Lnnie† The single voice of George Struck Lennie, as he took his hand away ftrom his face & looked around for George. At this point Curley took the advantage of him having to take his hand off his face & slashed him again in his eyes. Lennie’s face was covered with blood & George was again yelling/persuading Lennie to hit him. Again Curley’s fist was snagging when Lennie reached for it fist & seconds layer Curley was flopping all over the place like a fish would. Curley’s closed fist was now lost in Lennie’s big hand, revealing his anger in agony, as this time George ran down the room yelling at him to let go of him, but Lennie did not let go, & slapped him across the face repeatingly, but still he didn’t let go. However Curley was slushing as he fell white in his face & started to shrink,as he became weak.Howeever at last he did let go, as he crouched against the wall. â€Å"you told me to, George† At this stage Slim regarded Lennie with terror, as he statedy then they better get Curley to the doctor, as soon as possible, as they thought that he could be worse than what it look, but he also mentioned to Curley & the other surrounded strictly that his hand got stuck in the machine, if any one hade to ask then Lennies name should nit be mentioned strickly or trouble would occur. ( George said)†Slim, we get canned now? We need the stake. Will Curley’s old man cane us now? (Slim said to Curley)†you got your senses in hand enough to listen? â€Å"I think you got your han’ caught in a machine.† â€Å"If you don’t tell nobody what happened, we aren’t going to. But you jus tell an’try to get this canned & we’ll tell ever’body,an the will you get the laugh.† After this obviously George & Lennie had to stay well clear from cur ley’s wife, especially Lennie in eve at the time,& was specially warned from George, that she’ll cause trouble & that Lennie was in the bad books ofCurley & was better to stay out of his way. The old man was talking to creok ojn his bunk as Lennie arrived, & both Lennie & the old man started telling there story of them 3, haqving there place of there own,with Lennie’s rabbits & other animals/habitats. Again Creok offered to put fowar some money, but as George walked in the room & having a suspicious shocking look on his face as he saw Lennie sitting there. The old man mentioned the thought offered by Creok, but the shock & discomfort of privacy shrook him as he apologised to them all but this place was supposed to be a secrete & a place of there own & no one was to know in case of trouble. During the conversation Curley’s wife had walked in the room & interruptedly every one was shocked to her there especially if she had geard everything then trouble was to come, also her distance close to us would let her know what accually had happened to Curley that night. However later on in the argument with her & the others in the room she accually found out that it was Lennie who hert his hand & not the silly excuse of the machine.As Curley’s wife tried to get on Lennie,George tried to hold Lennie away from her, & tried to get Curley’s wife out of the room as Curley & his old man walked in the room,& suddenly intruptted the argument.